Happy Pandemiversary
March, 2021
It’s been a year of March—a year of face masks, social distancing, and an online life way more exciting than the real one. On our first pandemiversary, we explore non-fungible tokens, rediscover the cosmetics industry, and learn how “like” buttons shape our culture. Let’s flip this pandemic tape, like Lou Ottens would have done it, and see what’s on the B side: “we expect it will be a success,” he said (about his pocket-size invention).
1. Pablito Planeta, your new favorite design astrologist, travels through the pixel galaxy to show you what the future holds. Vamos, cariño, the gradient cosmos is yours! Pablito Planeta
2. Ben Davis looks through all 5,000 images in Beeple’s $69 M Everydays, and he finds four different Beeples at play. None is likely to age well. Artnet
3. Social media stars give the cosmetics industry a makeover. The beauty of having millions of followers. NYT
4. “Like” buttons shift our reality, or as Spinoza puts it: “So we see that it is in everyone’s nature to strive to bring it about that others should adopt his attitude to life; and while all strive equally to this end they equally hinder one another, and in all seeking the praise or love of all, they provoke mutual dislike.” The Point
5. Burger King Gets Grilled for ‘Women Belong in the Kitchen’ Tweet. (What about looking for #burgerqueen?) Bored Panda
EXTRA. Feeling arty? Take a free tour of The Louvre, the Rijksmuseum, the Hermitage Museum, the Museu de Arte de São Paulo, the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, or the PAMM. Play The Logo Quiz, try to find the YouTube cooking show of the mafia fugitive living a quiet island life, or browse the revolving internet. Brought to you by cocaine.
Regular Animal is a Miami-based creative agency dedicated to create content that makes exceptional brands shine. We bring your brand to life through Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Actions™—inspiring branding, sleek graphic design, user-friendly websites, and compelling copywriting.